Health & Safety
Corporate Health and Safety Policy
The management of Forest City Staffing is vitally interested in the health and safety of its employees. Protection of all employees from injury or occupational disease is a major continuing objective. Forest City Staffing will make every effort to provide safe and healthy working conditions and to follow operating practices that will safe guard all employees, the public, the environment and corporate property. All supervisors and workers must be dedicated to the continuing objective of reducing injury and risk to health.
Forest City Staffing, as an employer, is ultimately responsible for worker health and safety. As President, I give you my personal promise that every reasonable precaution will be taken for the protection of all workers.
Supervisors will be held accountable for the health and safety of workers under their supervision. Supervisors are responsible to ensure that machinery and equipment are safety and that workers operate in compliance with established safe work practices and procedures. Workers must receive adequate training in their specific work tasks to protect their health and safety before commencement of the job.
Every worker must protect his or her health and safety by working in compliance with the legislative requirements and the safe work practices and procedures as established by the company. It is the responsibility of every worker at Forest City Staffing to work safely and report all unsafe and unhealthy conditions. Our policy is to eliminate dangers to the environment and to the health and safety of our employees.
It is in the best interest of all parties to consider health and safety in every activity. Commitment to health and safety forms an integral part of this company, from the senior management through to the newly hired employee.
Forest City Staffing expects excellent health, safety and environmental performance to be achieved through the support and active participation by all employees.
I will ensure that through the ongoing review of policies and procedures and program development, that a healthy and safe work place and environment remains a top priority at Forest City Staffing.
Signed: Jeff Vannoord, President